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Famous Scientists

Research a Scientist Lesson

  1. Watch the videos on this page.
  2. Click on the links below and choose a scientist.

3. On a piece of paper write the following information:

  • What is their name, when did they live, and where were they born?
  • Two to three sentences about their research.
  • Two or three sentences why they or their research interests you.
  • Work Cited

4. Print and glue OR draw OR copy and paste a picture of the scientist on your paper.

For Teachers (click on the +)
  • This video asks the question “What are the qualities of a scientist?”
  • I suggest brainstorming before showing any videos or sharing resources.

Types of scientists (Must subscribe to get access)

Worksheet #1 –  “Super Scientists” – types of scientists

Worksheet #2 – “Super Scientists” – types of scientists