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Listen for “Moi, j’aime”

  1. How to say “Moi”
  2. Moi, j’aime skier.
  3. J’aime Papa, J’aime Maman video
  4. J’aime ma famille.
  5. Extra activity: If you want to learn to sign the song with French Sign Langage “J’aime Papa, J’aime Maman”:

Practice French words meaning “very good”

  1. How to say “Very Good” in French.

Songs with “C’est = It is / It’s”

  1. C’est une belle journée / It is (It ‘s) a beautiful day
  2. C’est l’halloween / It is (It’s) Halloween

Connections to the BC’s Curriculum

Grade 5 BC Curriculum

Grade 5 BC Curriculum

  • Listening and viewing with intent helps us begin to understand French.
    • Comprehend key information in slow, clear speech and other simple texts
    • Express themselves and comprehend others through various modes of presentation simple descriptions
      • Greetings and Introductions
      • French phonemes
  • Use various strategies to support communication
    • include strategies to comprehend and express meaning (including using cognates, context, images, prior knowledge, similar words in first language, and text features)
Grade 6 BC Curriculum

Grade 6 BC Curriculum

  • Listening and viewing with intent helps us understand French.
    • Express themselves and comprehend others through various modes of presentation
      • French phonemes
  • Use various strategies to support communication
    • include strategies to comprehend and express meaning (including using cognates, context, images, prior knowledge, similar words in first language, and text features)
Grade 7 BC Curriculum

Grade 7 BC Curriculum

  • Using various strategies helps us understand and acquire language.
    • Express themselves and comprehend others through various modes of presentation
  • Use various strategies to support communication
    • include strategies to comprehend and express meaning (including using cognates, context, images, prior knowledge, similar words in first language, and text features)