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School Subjects in French

For Teachers (Click on the +) Click here for the lesson. I started the lesson with students writing out what they do on an average day. Then they compared it to the lives of children in a Residential School. The resource I used is found here:...

Canadian Residential Schools Daily Schedule

Objective – Students will compare their average school day to the day of a child living in a Residential School. Click on the plus (+) for the lesson. Fold a piece of lined paper in half lengthwise. (Hotdog fold) After writing an example of the...

Mètis Culture

Objective: Students will learn about Mètis culture as they hear a story about a Mètis family, listen to Mètis music and learn to play the spoons: Resources Fiddle Dancer book and CD Sierra’s Song – Metis Fiddle Music How to Play the Spoons I began this...