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Students will learn rooms of the school:

la bibliothèque, le bureau, la cours, la salle de français, la salle de musique, la salle des professeur, les toilettes


  • Images of the rooms of the school with French labels
  • Images of the rooms of the school without French labels
  • Copy of your school’s map

The students loved moving around the school as they found the signs that I had taped around the school.  I only taught the rooms that were true for that school to keep the vocabulary and lesson authentic.  (For example, one of my schools has a court yard while the other has a computer lab).

1.  Label a map of your school:  

I removed (by using white-out) the names of the rooms/areas that I wanted the students to find before photocopying the map.  For example: the music room and the office.  Usually I teach vocabulary before the students see the words, this time they enjoyed discovering the words without me.


2.  Playing 7-up with the rooms of the school

After reviewing the rooms of a school, we played 7-up.  I gave the 7 students who were up, a card.  Instead of using our real names, students called each other by rooms of the school.

Je suis dans (450 x 600) (2)

3.  Practing “Où es-tu?” and “Je suis dans le/la/les ____.”

The students were given a card with a room.  They had to walk around asking “Où es-tu?” and answering with Je suis dans le/la/les ____.”  They do this until they find all the other students in the same room as themselves.  I find it important at the start of the game to go over: “What is the higher purpose of the game?  Is it to look at pictures or to practice speaking French?

Then we glued the game piece in our notebooks and wrote the question and answer.

school rooms (578 x 600) (2)

This is a great time to watch the opening song to the cartoon Scooby-Doo as the question is “Scooby-Doo?  Where are you?” in French.

Another good video for this lesson is Dans Ma École as they sing about the rooms of the school.